- 2021 PECC 28th, 奧克蘭 (虛擬會議): Implementing the Putrajaya Vision – Revitalising the regional economy and ensuring sustainable and inclusive societies (議程)
- 2020 PECC 27th, 吉隆坡 (虛擬會議): Optimising Human Potential Towards a Future of Shared Prosperity and Sustainability in Times of Covid-19
- 2019 PECC 26th, 比尼亞德爾馬: APEC Post-2020
- 2018 PECC 25th, 雅加達: Global Disorder: The Need for New Regional Architecture and Business Model?
- 2017 PECC 24th, 河內: Vision for an Asia-Pacific Partnership for the 21st Century
- 2015 PECC 23th, 馬尼拉: Growth Engines for the 21st Century: Achieving Balanced, Inclusive, and Sustainable Growth
- 2014 PECC 22th, 北京: Economic Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific: 2014 and Beyond
- 2013 PECC 21st, 溫哥華: Canada-Asia 2013: Navigating Asia’s Future, Charting Canada’s Strategy
- 2011 PECC 20th, 華盛頓: State of the Region.
- 2010 PECC 19th, 東京: PECC at 30: A New Vision for APEC and Toward Further Regional Economic Cooperation,
- 2009 PECC 18th, 華盛頓: Crisis and Recovery: Regional and Global Roles for Asia-Pacific Economies
- 2007 PECC 17th, 悉尼: Managing the Challenges of Growth
- 2005 PECC 16th, 首爾: Towards a Pacific Community: Renewing the Commitment
- 2003 PECC 15th, 斯里巴卡旺市: Securing the Future: a Strategic Path for the Next Decade
- 2001 PECC 14th, 香港: Managing Globalisation in the 21st Century
- 1999 PECC 13th, 馬尼拉: The Pacific E-conomy in the 21st Century
- 1997 PECC 12th, 聖地亞哥: Transpacific Partnership: Implementing Trade & Investment Opportunity
- 1995 PECC 11th, 北京: Asia-Pacific Initiatives for Global Prosperity: Trade Liberalization and Development Cooperation
- 1994 PECC 10th, 吉隆波
- 1992 PECC 9th, 三藩市: Open Regionalism: A Pacific Model for Global Economic Cooperation
- 1991 PECC 8th, 新加坡: Pacific Response to Global Challenges
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